
Journey the Earth launched in January 2014 and offers a great platform for travel brands to connect with a highly interactive global audience of more than 5,000 followers ages 25-34 from more than ten countries. We are happy to endorse and collaborate with brands we love and believe our audience will also be interested in. If we receive compensation (financial or in the form of an experience), we will clearly disclose this. View our disclosure policy. If you believe your product, brand or destination is a fit for Journey the Earth, contact us today at – we look forward to hearing from you and we are excited to offer the following opportunities for you to work with us!


How can you work with Journey the Earth?


Editorial Coverage

Invite us to experience your product or service, and we’ll share it with our readers! This includes photos and a written review of our experience shared on our blog, We will also provide you with complimentary digital images (with watermark) from our experience for use on your website and social media pages. If you think your product, service or destination is the perfect fit for our audience, we’d love to hear from you! For this service, we request that all of our associated travel costs are covered (airfare, hotel, transportation, cruise fare, plus per diem to cover incidentals. For all-inclusive resorts, there is a reduced per diem.)


Live Social Media Coverage

We’ll share our experience with our readers live through our three key social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), with clear mentions of your brand (i.e. links to your social media accounts in context).



Engage with our readers by providing  a giveaway of appropriate value and brand nature to our readership. Giveaways are promoted through our social media platforms and emailed to all our subscribers. Giveaways typically have a lifespan of 10 days, with daily promotion via social media.


Sponsored Post

We offer a very limited number of sponsor post opportunities on our blog, and we only select opportunities we believe will be beneficial to our readers.


Photography & Social Media Consulting Services

Todd offers premier photography services for dive companies, resorts and destinations. Jeanette can provide recommendations on how to take your brand to the next level with specialized marketing and social media consulting services.


If you believe your brand is a fit for our readers, please contact us at for additional information about our partnership opportunities. We look forward to connecting with you!

We love hearing from our readers! Send us a note anytime here on the blog, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, or email us.